rue Macabre privacy policy

The “rue Macabre” app does not collect any personal information or device identifiers.

Game statistics are information that help us developers tune our game, check for errors and crashes, and in general try to create a better experience for players, it is data on how you played the game such as:

  • choices you made in the game;
  • how much time and how often you played;
  • how far you’ve played how many times did you hit a ‘game over’ or finish the game;
  • if you had any game crashes it logs the error; and,
  • on what kind of device (iPhone, Android, tablet..etc) – only the type of device, we do NOT collect your the device serial number or any personal information like phone number..etc.

Where game statistics are collected, your personal information or device serial number are not collected nor packaged with the game statistics. Game statistics are anonymized in a manner that makes no link to your individual device.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.